If you aren't marketing your business on social media by this point you are missing out on a lot of potential business. There are many different types of social media platforms that you can market to clients. Here are a few of the most popular and how they should be used.
The leader in advertising right now is Facebook. The amount of daily users, conversion rates, complexity of the Ad campaigns, and algorithm make Facebook a beast of a marketing machine. Facebook is awesome to advertise on for almost any type of business looking to grow their brand and convert new leads. The downside is that everyone else is using Facebook Advertising so the conversion cost and making a compelling Ad that stands out can be tougher than other Social Media outlets.
Instagram is tied to Facebook Ad's power editor but is still one of the best social platforms to market to. Instagram is great for business's that want to show off their work or their daily specials, or new products. I recommend Instagram to retail companies and especially restaurants.
Youtube is a big contender for Facebook Ad's and is run through Google's Adwords campaigns. If you have a compelling video that sells your business put it on Youtube advertising. The rates are excellent and the return can be very profitable.
Twitter has become very popular for some brands who have that ability to attract a crowd. Twitter is all about having more followers to tweet to. Twitter advertising can be very effective for service based business's like DJ's, Car Salesman, recruiters, musicians, artists, video loggers, etc.
Pinterest is one of my favorites because of its ability to attract a very specific audience. Most of the posts that I see are artsy, hobbies, comedy, scenic, etc. which gives off a very positive vibe. Pinterest can be effective for collectors, unique products, and restaurants that like to display their food.
LinkedIn is relatively new to Ad's and I haven't seen one yet that really spoke to me. LinkedIn can be much tougher for business's to convert sales but may be a good way to recruit the right talent. The algorithm and advanced features in the Ad process make this a very powerful tool at finding people who are looking for employment.
I hope that these idea's help to bring you success in your business. I am a marketing consultant for Social Media and Engine Optimization. Please contact me if you are interested in learning how I can grow your business.